I found this precious book and its other four volumes in my usual antique supplier's compound.
My heart nearly stopped when I saw them as I immediately knew what they were.
I rushed forward to hold them in my arms. They were a little damp from the morning dew and some parts had been eaten by those pesky white ants.
My supplier looks at me and says 'Cikgu mahu buku-buku itu unutk apa? Dah rosak!' Tak elok' and he points to several glossy Her World magazine and suggested I take those instead. 'Goodness gracious my dear man! Do you know what I am holding in my arms?' I wanted to ask him while cradling the books in my arms as if they were my own babies.
I ask him how much and my supplier merely looks at me and says 'Free! Ambil saja! Saya memang nak buang kalau Cikgu tak datang pagi ini!'. My heart nearly stopped! He wanted to throw these books away! Gosh!
These volumes were printed at the Kedah Government Press which used to be located next to the old Railway Station.
G B Kellagher was one of the best judges Kedah ever had. He took such great effort to have these six volumes produced.
I have gone though the contents and they cover every legal aspect of the state.
I only show three example which may prove to be interesting to my readers.
There was a time when Opium was legal
There was a time when coconut trees were so precious that cutting them down was an offence
There was a time when gambling brought in great revenue to the Government of Kedah
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