I shall write more about Kuala Kangkong in another blog posting but today I just want to concentrate on two items which I got from this place.
One is an interesting front grille from a Hillman Minx. The first photo was shown to me by a friend when I asked about the identity of my discovery.
The grille is large as I now know that it covers the entire front section of the vehicle, At the same time it is also very light - I think it is made of aluminium or some sort of durable and light weight metallic alloy.
I also stopped by an old sundry shop and the kind Uncle allowed me to look through his storage area.
I came up with two vintage weighing contraptions. Both of equal size. The Uncle tells me that he bought those when he just started business some 60 years ago,
I asked to buy both but he ended up selling me only one. He tells me that he wants to keep one to show his grandchildren and share a tale with them on how things used to be like in the past.
The kind Uncle even helped me to oil the wood before handing it to me. This shows me that he really cares for his things and I will surely make sure that this item remains well taken care in my collection.
If you would like to sell that great Hillman Minx grill, I'd be very interested. Are you in the USA?