The Uncle promised me to be at the shop at 11 am to show me things that maybe of interest to me.
Naturally I was there before the stipulated time but sadly the door was locked and no one was insight.
I tried calling him but he tells me that due to some unforeseen circumstances he has to be away and tells me to come again next week.
I was downcast but I wandered around the area and saw another shop open. I strike up a conversation and soon get permission to wander upstairs.
The owner told me that he had just moved inand thus I should not find anything 'old'. I remain unperturbed.
I walk up the flight of stairs and see lots of new bicycle stuff. Nothing catches my fancy until I spy a piece of aluminium sheet by the wall. It looks framed. Do I dare to hope that it is a piece of signboard from a bygone era?
I try to see the front but the frame is tightly lodged between the rafters. I slip my camera and take a photo. Confirmed! Its an old sign board! Success! Now I need to seal the deal.
I go down to tell the owner who is rather skeptical that I can find something interesting.
He askes me to wait while he deals with a customer and then went up with me.
He is very agile for his age and he is up in the rafters in no time at all. He brings it down and then proceeds to tell me that this signboard belonged to the shop which operated here in the 1960s. He tells me that since then the shop have been occupied by no less than three other tenants. The current owner is tenant number 4.
We reach a price and the signboard is safely in my car. Now I need to find a place of honour for this wonderful piece of local history.
Note: Thank you Zalina for the title of this story. Very appropriate. Thank you very much.
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